Around the world the HIV rates for men and women are more or less equal — except, that is, in sub-saharan Africa. This is the only region in the world where the HIV rates for women are substantially higher than...
The 21st International AIDS conference – AIDS2016 -draws to a close today. Held every two years, this massive conference brings together policymakers, activists, scientists, and people living with HIV to face the challenge of bring an end to AIDS. This...
AIDS is on a rapid increase among young people in Asia. And according to a new report by UNICEF, that’s at least in part because of the extreme popularity of dating apps among high risk groups. The new UNICEF report brings...
Russia is very close to its millionth registered HIV infection; 986,657 people have been registered as infected. Most experts believe that only half of all HIV cases are diagnosed and registered, meaning Russia now probably has two million inhabitants living...