Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, welcomed the “significant step” taken yesterday with Israel’s approval of construction projects that are to be implemented by UNRWA.
In his remarks to the GA following his appointment, the SG said that the UN had “laid a firm foundation for the future” on a number of issues since he assumed office, including climate change, nuclear disarmament, education, sustainable development and global health.
UNMIS is reporting that the security and humanitarian situations in Southern Kordofan do indeed remain of great concern, as the military build-up continues in various strategic locations.
The SG is in Rome today, where he met with Berlusconi and Foreign Minister Frattini, discussing Libya, Somalia, Lebanon, the Middle East/North Africa and nuclear safety, among other issues.
DSG Asha-Rose Migiro is heading to Haifa, Israel, as the Guest of Honor at the International Women Leaders’ Conference on “Women, Science, and Technology,” co-hosted by the government of Israel and UNESCO.
Last night, the SG spoke with Al Baghdadi Ali Al-Mahmoudi, PM of Libya, on the phone, to reaffirm the need for an immediate and real ceasefire to conduct negotiations.
"...1.1 million people, or 70% of the population, depend on humanitarian aid in Gaza..."
The SG also condemned the escalating violence in the region that has injured peacekeepers in addition to civilians, and called on both parties to stop their military operations, and withdraw all forces and armed elements from Abyei.
In Nigeria, a country with one of the highest maternal mortality burdens in Sub-Saharan Africa, the SG will visit a hospital and a primary healthcare center to see major improvements underway.