And another one bites the dust...except, there are far more suspects at large than there are behind bars. In fact, it is a small miracle anytime the International Criminal Court is able to detain a suspect.
Thailand's "Mr. Condom," Mechai Viravaidya discusses his country's very successful public health campaign around condom usage during the TedXChange event. Penile Puns and vaguely inappropriate language abound.
The Campaign for Innocent Victims in Armed Conflict (CIVIC), release a shocking new study of civilian casualties in Pakistan. At what point do we stop calling it the "Afghanistan War?"
Election day here in the United States is still about one month away. But in New York today, the General Assembly is set to select new members of the Security Council for two year stints. UPDATE: The results are in. UPDATE II: Canadian recriminations begin! UPDATE III: Canadian recriminations get personal.
The Floods Emergency Response Plan and Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan are funded at 33 percent and 46 percent respectively. That's not even half of what the international community says is required to meet basic needs of people affected by the floods.
Does awarding Liu Xiaobo the prize provide a boon to Chinese liberals or does it embolden Beijing hardliners who pursue what the west might consider an antagonistic foreign policies?
From corn starch pressed into pills masquerading as anti-malarials, to teething syrups with an extra helping of chemicals found in anti-freeze, counterfeit products put patients at risk of harmful health outcomes.