Dr. Gayle explains the significance of the commitment and explains why "scaling up" is an important buzz word this week; we also discuss the role of international NGOs like Care in Pakistan flood relief efforts. Have a listen.
Watch heads of state, foreign ministers and other dignitaries address the Millennium Development Goals summit from the floor of the General Assembly. The first session began at 9 am EST. Afternoon session begins at 3pm.
President Obama will be in New York for three days, starting Wednesday. Where he will be going, who he will be meeting, and one big event that is surprisingly off his schedule.
I'm at the Mashable 92Y Social Good Summit, hosted by our friends at the UN Foundation. This afternoon, panelists will include the actor Edward Norton, Ted Turner, and a number of amazingly inspirational people.
Hundreds of world leaders make their annual pilgrimage to New York for the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly. This is what is on their agenda.
I chat with John McArthur of Millennium Promise for BloggingHeads. John does an excellent job explaining the Millennium Development Goals in a way that ought to satisfy wonks and newcomers alike.
New skin. Same great content. We hope you like the new design, completed just in time for a busy week of UN related events in New York City. Here is what to expect from our coverage of UN Week.