How a US Government Shutdown Impacts the United NationsThe US government came perilously close to shutting down. Again. But at the last minute a compromise was struck to...
China is Widening its Crackdown on Tibetan CultureBy Emily K. Scolaro You would not think that something as innocuous as yogurt would rile authorities in China. But last August, a...
These Stories Will Drive the Agenda During UNGA78 | What to Watch at the 2023 United Nations General AssemblyUNGA78 is here! Hundreds of world leaders are gathered in New York for the opening of the 78th United Nations...
What UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres Says Are His Top Priorities for UNGAIn my 18 years of covering the United Nations, I’ve always caught the annual pre-UNGA press conference from the UN...
Why the Global Food Crisis Needs an Emergency Meeting at UNGA78By Wangari Kuria and Alice Macdonald As September summitry intensifies and we barrel towards UNGA, there’s a critical global issue...
A Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un Arms Deal Would Ruin The UN’s Fifteen Year Effort to Reign in North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons ProgramKim Jong Un is en route to Russia. His luxury armored train is heading north, presumably to the Russian city...
How Bill Richardson Became a Freelance International Hostage Negotiator, In His Own WordsBill Richardson passed away on September 1 at the age of 75. He was a long-serving member of congress and...
More and More Evidence Shows that to Prevent Atrocities and Stop Conflict Before It Starts: Think Locally. Act Locally.By Katie Smith, Global Policy Specialist at Search for Common Ground. When I first travelled to the Middle Belt of...
Relief is Finally Coming for “Citizens of Nowhere” Living in the United StatesBy Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough We hold no passports. No country recognizes us as citizens. And for too long, stateless people have...