MDG Gap Task Force Report: Yesterday, the SG released the 2010 MDG Gap Task Force Report, dedicated to MDG 8, which this year focuses on the impact of the global economic crisis. The SG pointed out that while ODA is at an all-time high, $20 billion in commitments remain missing for this year. Africa accounts for 80% of that gap. With the MDG Summit approaching, the SG urges leaders to forge these commitments because the international community has all the necessary tools and resources to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
MDG Gap Task Force Report: Yesterday, the SG released the 2010 MDG Gap Task Force Report, dedicated to MDG 8, which this year focuses on the impact of the global economic crisis. The SG pointed out that while ODA is at an all-time high, $20 billion in commitments remain missing for this year. Africa accounts for 80% of that gap. With the MDG Summit approaching, the SG urges leaders to forge these commitments because the international community has all the necessary tools and resources to achieve the MDGs by 2015.: today the Flash Appeal for the Pakistan floods was revised upwards to $2 billion to provide aid to 14 million people over 1 year. The $459.7 million original appeal, which is 80% funded, is included in this figure – leaving an outstanding need of $1.6 billion. This money will go towards 483 projects to be carried out by 15 UN bodies (plus IOM) and 156 NGOs.
Afghan elections: tomorrow Afghanistan will hold parliamentary elections, to which UNAMA is providing technical and logistical support (in response to a request from the Government of Afghanistan). Yesterday, SRSG for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, met with election officials and local leaders in Kandahar and expressed the UN’s support for the elections.
Panel of Inquiry on Flotilla Incident: the SG has received the report of the Panel of Inquiry on the Flotilla Incident, which is largely procedural. The Panel has received an interim report from Turkey on progress of its national investigation, and is awaiting a report from Israel.
DRC: today the Security Council adopted a Presidential Statement calling on the DRC to take “swift and fair” action to bring the perpetrators of the rapes in eastern DRC to justice. The Council also expressed its willingness to consider actions – including “targeted measures” – against those responsible.
Somalia: Yesterday Augustine Mahiga, SRSG for Somalia, briefed the Security Council, expressing concern about the country’s security situation and its potential impact on the region. He noted that the TFG should reserve the fragile peace created by the Djibouti Agreement, with 11 months left before the end of the transition period. Mahiga appealed to States to support Somalia, including financial and material support for AMISOM. Kyung-wha Kang, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a statement following a three-day visit to the region, calling for an end to the culture of impunity
HRC: This morning the HRC held an Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the situation of Human Rights in Sudan (whose mandate is up for renewal), during which the U.S. made a strong case for the renewal of IE’s mandate for another year, especially due to the upcoming referendum. Today also featured a discussion of “situations requiring the Council’s attention”, in which Ambassador Donahoe brought attention to Iran (particularly restrictions on freedoms of expression, assembly and religion); Myanmar (particularly the upcoming Nov 7 elections), Cuba, DPRK and the DRC (and the recent use of mass rape), among other countries.