“MTV plans to chronicle a visit to poverty-stricken African villages by actress Angelina Jolie on Sept. 14, three months after co-star and off-screen companion Brad Pitt gained notice with a similar ABC special.
The MTV documentary will follow Jolie as she accompanies United Nations adviser and economist Jeffrey Sachs on a trip to Sauri, a remote group of villages in western Kenya where his team is battling hunger and disease, the cable channel said this week.
The 30-minute program, a special episode of MTV’s long-running “Diary” series spotlighting celebrities, will coincide with the opening of a U.N. special summit on goals for improving living standards in developing nations.
The actress, an Oscar winner for “Girl, Interrupted,” has visited U.N. operations around the world as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations’ High Commissioner on Refugees since 2001.” [Read more]