Dengue Fever is on the Rise, Spreading Beyond the TropicsThe world is experiencing levels of Dengue Fever never before experienced in recent history.
Syrians Now Face the Long-term Effects of Exposure to Chemical WarfareEven with treatment, there are severe long-term effects for survivors of a nerve gas attack.
The Nodding Disease MysteryThe cause is unknown, yet nodding syndrome is spreading amongst children in East Africa.
How Colombia Defeated River BlindnessColombia became the first of 6 endemic countries in Latin America to eradicate the disease.
Cómo Colombia ha derrotado la oncocercosis o ceguera de los ríosLa Organización Mundial de la Salud anunció esta semana que Colombia ha eliminado la ceguera de los ríos, convirtiéndose en el primer país, de los seis endémicos en América, que alcanza este importante hito.