A sampling of United Nations related blog commentary
PSD Blog covers World Refugee Day: “UNHCR, Nike, Microsoft and Right to Play chose World Refugee Day to launch ninemillion.org, a campaign “to create a global community dedicated to giving the world’s refugee youth the chance to learn and play.” The elegantly designed website features personal refugee stories and a 30-second public service announcement from Brazilian soccer star, and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, Ronaldo. Nike has donated 40,000 soccer balls specially designed to endure harsh conditions at refugee camps.”
Mcjoan at Daily Kos asks if Sen. Santorum trumped UN inspectors in Iraq.
Michelle Malkin repeats conservative canards about the United Nations Small Arms Review Conference.
Mojo has more on the UN, the NRA, and small arms: “the NRA tends, quite often, to stoke and inflame conservative fears that the UN really is plotting to erect some sinister world government or other that will take away all our guns.”