A sampling of United Nations related blog commentary
Bump in the Beltway: “Congress faces tough issues after recess: In theory, Republicans want to proceed with the controversial nomination of former Undersecretary of State John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations. But it is uncertain how quickly Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., will be able to move it to the floor again. The drama was deferred, not defused. This is going to be a messy week.”
Daily Kos: “What will it take to get a few Republican Senators to vote against Bolton? He is clearly an individual who has shown an unwillingness to work diplomatically with allies and enemies alike.”
Little Green Footballs: “The latest Associated Press push to discredit John Bolton is one of the sleaziest, most biased pieces of work I’ve read in quite some time: Bolton Said to Orchestrate Unlawful Firing.”
Moderate Voice: “Yet another news story has surfaced to give a big, fat black eye to John Bolton – but in hard-nosed political terms will it really matter in terms of derailing his likely approval as the new U.S. Ambassador to the UN?”
TPM Cafe: “The United Nations is celebrating World Environment Day by producing an atlas, One Planet Many People. The book documents the harm that we’re doing to the environment. The internet spot for the book is here. Click on “chapters” to download the pdf files. The book is available for sale here.”