"...1.1 million people, or 70% of the population, depend on humanitarian aid in Gaza..."
The SG also condemned the escalating violence in the region that has injured peacekeepers in addition to civilians, and called on both parties to stop their military operations, and withdraw all forces and armed elements from Abyei.
In Nigeria, a country with one of the highest maternal mortality burdens in Sub-Saharan Africa, the SG will visit a hospital and a primary healthcare center to see major improvements underway.
The revised appeal is based on the 800,000 people that have escaped Libya and the 1.6 million who need assistance within the country.
Israel and Palestine: USG for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos completed a four-day visit to the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel...
"In Syria...Amos noted that reports of the deployment of tanks and shelling of residential areas are alarming."
“Instead of seeing LDCs as poor and weak, let us look at it as vast reservoirs of untapped potential.”
DSG Asha-Rose Migiro will leave NY on May 9th to head to Geneva to chair the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.
"...the U.S. has committed an additional $6.5 million for IOM operations, bringing the U.S. government’s emergency assistance in Libya to a total of $53.5 million."