"He added that the list of survivors is shrinking and we must ensure that the memory of their suffering and endurance never dies."
Today, Haile Menkerios, SRSG for Sudan, briefed the Security Council on the current situation in the country, emphasizing the historical significance in recognizing the validity of the referendum outcome in a peaceful manner.
Ambassador Donahoe stated that the U.S. believes that governments should speak out against religious intolerance and employ tools to address it.
On Sunday, UNICEF and UNFPA came together to mark the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)
Today IAEA is utilizing World Cancer Day to communicate the live-saving work it does to fight cancer.
Today USG Amos completed her three-day visit to Kenya and Somalia where she assessed challenges faced by both countries due to drought.
Navi Pillay expressed alarm today on the dramatic increase of executions in Iran, with reports that 66 people were executed in January.
Today UNESCO’s Bokova led a delegation of 150 eminent personalities and representatives of 40 countries to Auschwitz-Birkenau to combat Holocaust denial.
Today is the last day of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Security Council presidency – Brazil will assume the Presidency for February tomorrow.