Disturbing news out of Afghanistan, where British officials say three of their marines were killed by a 13-year-old suicide bomber. From the UN News Center.
The United Nations envoy to Afghanistan has strongly condemned a suicide bombing, “allegedly” using a 13-year-old boy, against British forces in the south of the violence-wracked nation.
The attack, which killed three marines, “again demonstrates the Taliban”s total disrespect for human rights,” Kai Eide, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, said in a statement issued today…
…Taliban militia sent a young boy to carry out the bombing against British troops operating in the Sangin district of Afghanistan”s southern Helmand province on Friday.
“Such unscrupulous use of children cannot be justified under any circumstances. Forcing or coercing children directly into such action is wholly unacceptable by anyone”s standards,” said Mr. Eide.