Episode 6: PJ Crowley, Former State Department Spokesperson

On the podcast this week is PJ Crowley, the former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

Mark and PJ talk about the role of public diplomacy in US foreign policy, PJ’s long career in the Air Force, and how speaking out against the treatment of accused Wiki-leaker Bradley Manning marked the end of his career in public service.

Have a listen now, or download via Itunes. And if you like what you hear, please give us a review on Itunes.


Previous Episodes

Episode 5: Octavia Nasr, Reporter

Episode 4: Arsalan Iftikhar, “The Muslim Guy”

Episode 3: Dodge Billingsley, filmmaker. 

Episode 2: Laura Seay, who you know as @TexasinAfrica 

Episode 1: Heather Hurlburt, National Security Network