Amy Costello is a veteran reporter who hosts the Tiny Spark podcast that investigates what goes right and what goes wrong in philanthropy, including global philanthropy and the NGO sector. In this episode of Global Dispatches, Amy reveals some of her strategies for judging which global philanthropies and local NGOs are most impactful.
Amy’s understanding of philanthropy and effective international development interventions largely stems from a wildly popular story she wrote a decade ago about the PlayPump water project. It turns out, that story rested on some false premises and now, as a podcaster and investigative journalist she reports on what makes global development projects succeed or fail.
Amy was one of the first television reporters in Darfur during the midst of the genocide, a work for which she was Emmy nominated. She describes the kinds of scenes she saw and how that reporting project left a lasting impression upon her.
If you want to be an effective altruist this holiday season, have a listen to this episode.
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