As no doubt you have seen, Ban Ki Moon officially put himself in the running for Secretary General. On Al Jazeera English last night, I discussed why I think Ban deserves another five years at the helm of the UN. (Longer, fleshed out rumination here).
I’m not the only one who thinks Ban should get the nod for a second term. The P-5 is quickly lining up behind him.
The White House just released this statement:
President Obama welcomes United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s announcement that he will run for a second term, and the United States supports his candidacy. Under Ban’s leadership, the United Nations has played a critical role in responding to crises and challenges across the globe, including most recently supporting democratic transitions in Cote d’Ivoire and earthquake-affected Haiti, the conduct of the referendum on South Sudan’s self-determination, and efforts to resolve the political and humanitarian crisis in Libya.
The United Nations is an imperfect, but indispensible institution. The Secretary General has made important reforms, such as increasing the hiring of women to senior posts and proposing the deepest reduction in the UN’s budget in more than a decade. The United States strongly supports further efforts for reform to improve effectiveness, streamline bureaucracy, reduce costs, and update business practices to improve the United Nations’ ability to meet its mandate to promote global peace and security, human rights and development.
“As the top executive officer of the United Nations, secretary- general can exert significant influence on and play a unique role in the work of the United Nations in various fields,” he said.
“During his tenure over the past four years and more, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, as a secretary-general from an Asian country, has made important contribution to strengthening the role of the United Nations in international affairs,” Li said. “China is satisfied with his job. China supports Mr. Ban Ki-moon’s bid for re-election and hopes that he will gain the extensive support of all parties.”
French UN ambassador Alain Juppe:
I have just learned that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has submitted his candidacy for re-election.
This is very good news, and I welcome it. The UN and the entire international community can rely upon him, his very solid experience and his authority. Mr Ban Ki-moon has France’s full support.
Throughout the past five years, the Secretary-General has worked unstintingly for peace, as well as development, on behalf of the United Nations. He has shown courage and determination in a period of crisis. France wants to pay tribute to all that he has done.
We have no doubt that he will display the same qualities during his second term at the head of the UN, striving notably to strengthen the effectiveness of the UN system. In an increasingly complex world with numerous challenges, the United Nations must continue to adapt and to be the heart of the international system.
I have not seen a formal statement from the UK or Russia, but both the UK and Russia have expressed support for Ban’s nomination. I think it is all but assured that he will be re-upped at the UN.