First of all, I was right: those pirates who tried to hijack the U.S. ship (and probably many others besides); they were kids. Which just might make it a bit more complicated to prosecute the one who survived.
And, echoing the comment that drew loud applause from a Somali audience at a conference last month, the country’s prime minister is now basically saying, just give us some money, and we can get the pirates on our own. (For what it’s worth, the president of Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland government already said that he’d take care of that whole piracy thing.) This seems all well and good, and it would probably prove much less expensive than mounting a complex international response that is essentially a band-aid solution. Somalia, though, without even much of a police force, certainly can’t be expected to provide the naval battalions that, even if they are only addressing a symptom, not the cause, of the problem, still provide some necessary security and reassurance for ships out there.
Another bad idea — at this stage, at least — would be sending a UN peacekeeping force to Somalia. The troop commitments would be hard to muster, and the presence of the blue helmets would likely only galvanize hardline Somali militants and further destabilize the country (see here for more on why this would be a counter-productive move). The Secretary-General is scheduled to release a report today on the possibility, and so far he’s acknowledged that the conditions are not exactly ripe.
In other news, the score is now U.S. ships 2, pirates 0. Unfortunately, as the Greeks, Togolese, Liberians, and Egyptians can now attest to, the global scoreboard is a bit more lop-sided in the other direction.
UPDATE: The smart folks at Information Dissemination and Danger Room are taking the “Sons of Somalia” idea seriously.
(image of African Union peacekeepers in Somalia, from flickr user ISN Security Watch under a Creative Commons license)