Podcast: Mark Kennedy Shriver is a Global Humanitarian Advocate On a Mission


Mark Shriver is president of Save the Children Action Network, which is the advocacy arm of the global humanitarian organization. We kick off with a discussion of what advocacy for global development and humanitarian issues looks like in the age of Donald Trump, including the unique role that congress will play in maintaining American leadership on global health and humanitarian issues.

Mark is a member of the Kennedy family. His uncles were President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy. His mother, their sister, was Eunice Kennedy who founded the Special Olympics. His father was Sargent Shriver who was a key aid to his brother-in -law John Kennedy and is widely credited with establishing the Peace Corps. Mark wrote a best selling memoir about his father and we have a fairly extended conversation about the origins of the Peace Corps.

We also, of course, discuss Mark’s own career and the influences of his extremely unique upbringing on his life and career.  If you have 40 minutes and want to learn about global humanitarian advocacy in this new era, and also glean insights from his interesting career, have a listen to this conversation with Mark Kennedy Shriver.

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