Sudan: The SC held closed consultations on Sudan and Mali today. On the situation in Sudan, the US issued a statement urging both Sudan and South Sudan “to implement the oil agreement as swiftly as possible,” also expressing their condolences to the Nigerian government for their peacekeepers killed in the UNAMID attacks yesterday.
Fifth Committee: With all of the UN Committees opening this week, the Fifth Committee started its session today by issuing it program of work for the next few months. US Representative Joseph Torsella issued remarks, listing personnel practices, budget levels, IT implementation, and audit disclosure as areas for reform. He stated that the Fifth Committee’s task is to “bridge the gap” between UN challenges and resources, identified last week at the GA. He also expressed worry at the potential erosion of the budget, and that the Committee must remain strong on this issue to prepare for unforeseen humanitarian crises.
Syria-Turkey: The SG expressed his “alarm” at the escalating tensions along the Syrian-Turkish border, repeatedly making clear his concern about the spillover of the Syrian crisis into neighboring countries, as noted by his Spokesperson. Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi is in communication with both Syrian and Turkish officials to encourage the easing of tensions.
Pakistan: OCHA announced today that nearly 5 million people have been affected by the monsoon floods in Pakistan, with more than 300,000 people displaced, living in camps, and over 400,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed. The agency and its partners are working to deliver aid to as many of those in need of assistance as possible.
67th GA: Yesterday, the new GA President Vuk Jeremic (Serbia) outlined the GA’s priorities for this year. Among them, Jeremic wants to give the GA a more prominent role in discussions on global economic governance and strengthening efforts to achieve the peaceful resolution of disputes, as well as for this session to go down in history as “an assembly of peace.”