It’s been 10 years since the start of the American invasion that toppled the Taliban regime and ushered in the current era in Afghanistan’s history. Here's the view from Kabul on a decade of hope and bloodshed.
More evidence that violence is on the increase in Afghanistan: according to the UN, the average monthly number of "security incidents" is nearly 40% above what it was last year at this time. Also, in 2011 so far, there has been an average of 12 suicide attacks...per month.
Afghanistan's worst drought in a decade is set to cause crisis-level food shortages this winter and relief efforts are dangerously underfunded. The race to save lives has begun.
If you want to follow the Afghanistan war in real time, forget the wires; follow the conflict's most prolific Twitter users. Here's a list of the best.
Fed up with incremental progress, young Afghan feminists are boldly challenging their country’s treatment of women and demanding that their voices be heard. On July 14, they and their allies will march through downtown Kabul in Afghanistan’s first ever public demonstration against sexual harassment.
It’s one of the most serious and internationally under-reported stories of the conflict here: the undeclared and intensifying border war between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A new estimate by researchers at Brown University claims that at least 137,000 civilians have died during tens years of war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. This likely under-counts the true human cost of war.
This attack is an assault on the already-shrinking space considered safe by international civilian personnel – dignitaries, diplomats, consultants, aid workers, journalists, others.