Max Bergmann relays the possibility of the United States engaging in "soccer diplomacy" by scheduling a match with Iran in October or November. Improving relations with Iran would be a plus, but my money is on the Americans taking the game.
Was Hezbollah behind the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri? So asks FP's David Kenner, but he is skeptical of the Der Spiegel report that makes the provocative suggestion -- conveniently just two weeks before Lebanese elections.
Erin Weir, writing from "the most remote place" she has ever visited, explores why humanitarian assistance is so hard to deliver -- and why it will never be enough.
Juliet Lapidos explains for Slate why, technically, we're still at war with North Korea. Well, except, technically, we never really were in the first place.
(image from flickr user TauSo under a Creative Commons license)