On Capitol Hill yesterday, members of congress were weighing their response. What emerged were two proposed pieces of legislation that could punish the Palestinians--and even the UN--for yesterday's vote.
Later this month, the Palestinians will ask the UN General Assembly to upgrade their status at the United Nations to become a non-member observer state. This would put them on the same membership level as the Vatican. It would not change very much about how the UN operates.
The good folks at Al Jazeera Stream just posted this video of UN Dispatch-friend Rebecca Hamilton discussing the news that Laurent Gbagbo had turned himself into the ICC.
At some point in the near future, the ICC will issue an arrest warrant for Bashar al Assad. When that day comes, remember that it was the Human Rights Council that kicked off the series of events that lead to Assad ending up on a most-wanted list.
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court received the official go-ahead from the a panel of ICC judges for an investigation into election related violence in Cote D’Ivoire.
What people don't seem to be saying--at least not yet--is that should the ICC launch an investigation into crimes against humanity in Palestine, Palestinians will almost certainly be implicated as well.
C'est un premier pas pour la justice en Côte d'Ivoire: Laurent et Simone Gbagbo ont été inculpés hier par le procureur de la République d'Abidjan. L'inculpation porte sur les "crimes économiques" commis par l'ancien président et sa femme.
A three judge panel certified the warrants by issuing a legal document that offers some details about horrific abuses that occurred in the early days of the Libyan uprising.