This is the tenth installment of our “Meet A 2015-er” series that profiles the women and men who are helping to shape the Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change negotiations as they take shape this year. Today we hear a...
“We should have local communities organize themselves and mobilize resources for their interests and the global community should provide additional funding for those local projects that are relevant to these SDGs. It’s called ‘catalytic funding.'” — Dr. Miroslav Polzer This...
“There are three potentially transformative processes taking place in the same year. We’re really at an inflection point in global development…we should seize that moment. Action takes outside the piece of paper, that’s really the key.” This is the seventh...
“We’re hoping the Declaration includes a vision of the child as it was included in the Millennium Goals declaration, in the Rio+20 declaration, and in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We’re not actually asking for anything new!” ...