Holocaust education and a Tsunami early warning system for the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico is the collateral damage of myopic legislation intended to punish the UN and Palestine.
The FY 2013 Budget has plenty for UN observers to be happy about including an increase to peacekeepers and new hope for a restoration of UNESCO funding.
Congress can't muster the will to change laws prohibiting American funding of UN agencies that admit Palestine as a member. Yet a vast majority of countries around the world support Palestine's membership to a growing number of UN Agencies.
Less than 20% of the Afghan Security Forces can read or write at a basic level of a first grader. Guess which UN agency runs literacy programs for the Afghan National Police?
With a clear majority of countries around the world prepared to back Palestinian ambitions at the United Nations, the United States is poised to lose its leverage over several UN bodies that advance American interests and promote our ideals, says UN Foundation President Senator Tim Wirth.