Top stories from the Development and Aid World News Service — DAWNS Digest.
Haiti Earthquake: 2 Years Later
Today is the two year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. We thought Digesters might appreciate a special section that pulls together some of the more interesting news stories and commentary about Haiti’s progress since the quake.
A handy list of some facts and figures on Haiti’s reconstruction and recovery to date. (UN Dispatch
Only $2.38 billion of the total $4.5 billion pledged in 2010-11 for recovery programs has been delivered, says the UN special envoy for Haiti. (Guardian
The roughly 20,000 people living in a camp outside of the National Palace will begin to be relocated in six weeks, says President Michel Martelly. (AP
“Focusing on these immediate objects of blame are of epidemiologic interest, but in fact deflect attention away from the country experiencing the disease, and in this case, unable to control the spread,” argue Victoria Fan and Richard Cash on determining where the cholera outbreak in Haiti began. (Center for Global Development
Global Post has begun a year-long investigation into where the aid money to Haiti has gone over the past two years. The first post connects donor’s money to rebuilding efforts. (Global Post
Duncan Lewis, Group Marketing Director of Age UK on Haiti’s progress since 2010. (AlertNet
As of Midnight, India Will Be “Polio Free”
When the clock strikes 12am, the world’s second most populous country will have experienced the first year in history in which it recorded no new Polio infections. This is a huge, huge milestone for global health. “India’s success leaves just three countries — Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria — where polio is still endemic, and sets an example for what could be in store for them. “It shows we’re going to get it done elsewhere,” said John Hewko, chief executive and president of the charity Rotary International, which has spearheaded the global fight against polio for three decades. Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched in 1988, there has been a 99 percent reduction in polio cases worldwide. Back then the disease was endemic in 125 countries and caused paralysis in nearly 1,000 children every day. By contrast, in the whole of 2011, there were only 620 new cases worldwide.” (Reuters
Money quote from a donor: The Netherlands minister for International Cooperation Ben Knapen says his government will focus on water and sanitation: “‘In many places in the world, drought, pollution and depleted water supplies are becoming an increasingly serious obstacle to development. The Dutch have long been pioneers in the water sector, and demand for our knowhow is growing rapidly.” (Gov of Netherlands