Libya: Yesterday, Valerie Amos, USG for Humanitarian Affairs and ERC, briefed the press on her two-day mission to Benghazi and Tripoli to identify space for humanitarian aid presence in both cities and facilitate the delivery of much-needed aid. While the UN was unable to get a cessation of hostilities, another purpose of the two-day mission, Amos explained that the Libyan government gave assurances that security would be provided at checkpoints and other areas so that the UN can go where it needs to go in order to establish and support humanitarian aid efforts. For example, while in Tripoli, an agreement was signed with the Libyan government ensuring protection of humanitarian aid workers. Amos pushed for the need to get humanitarian teams on the ground. In addition to the humanitarian staff already in Egypt, Tunisia, Niger, and Benghazi, OCHA plans to send a team to Tripoli as early as this weekend. Meanwhile, Amos placed emphasis on the growing crisis in Misrata. Already, IOM has evacuated a number of people out of Misrata. Yesterday, a UNICEF ship docked to deliver supplies.
Security Council: Today, B. Lynn Pascoe, USG for Political Affairs, told the Council in an open meeting that the stalemate in Palestinian-Israeli negotiations is of particular concern, given the Palestinian Authority’s institutional achievements and the evolving regional situation. He stressed the importance of preventing any further outbreaks of violence, noting the highest levels of violence in Gaza and Israel having recently occurred since Operation “Cast Lead” more than two years ago.
SG: Today, the SG visited a center for disabled children in Moscow and emphasized that inclusive societies and inclusive education benefit everyone. He just left Kiev, Ukraine where he spoke on nuclear safety and developments in Côte d’Ivoire.
Côte d’Ivoire: UNOCI has deplored ongoing fighting in Yopougon and Abobo neighborhoods in Abidjan, which the Mission says could threaten efforts to restore peace. UNOCI is holding discussions with parties and is working to reinforce law and order in Abidjan.
Haiti: Yesterday, SRSG Edmond Mulet handed over the keys to the new temporary building that will house the Haitian Parliament to be officially opened for the next parliamentary session on April 27th.
Darfur: The AU-UN Joint Chief Mediator for Darfur, Djibril Yipènè Bassolé, decided to leave his post to become the next FM of Burkina Faso. Haq explained that once Bassolé’s new appointment is confirmed, the SG will work with Chair Jean Ping of the AU Commission, the Qatari government, and other key partners to ensure that the recent progress in the Doha negotiations can lead to an outcome document, which will be discussed at the stakeholders conference in Darfur next month.
Upcoming Events: Monday, April 25th marks World Malaria Day. On Tuesday, the 26th, the Security Council is expected to adopt a resolution on the mandate of the Côte d’Ivoire Group of Experts.