Today is World Refugee Day. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) came into being 60 years ago, on June 20 1951. Sadly, six decades later, it is still very much a needed international organization.
To coincide with World Refugee Day, UNHCR released its annual report on the state of the world’s refugees. I thought it might be interesting to test readers’ knowledge of global displacement issues with this brief quiz.
1) The UNHCR’s annual report says that the number of refugees and internally displaced people is at a 15 year high. Which of the following represents the UN Refugee Agency’s best estimate of the number of IDPs and Refugees in 2010:
A) 437 million, B) 43.7 million, C) 4.37 million, D) 437,000
2) What country hosts the most number of refugees?
A) Sweden; B) Pakistan; C) Kenya; D) Turkey
3) Three countries in the world today account for an overwhelming number of refugees. Name one of three countries that are the top refugee producing countries in the world.
4) 14.7 million internally displaced people benefited from UNHCR protection and assistance in 2010. Which country has the highest number of registered IDPs?
A) Sudan; B) Democratic Republic of the Congo; C) Afghanistan; D) Colombia
5) The UN Refugee Agency won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1955 and again in 1981. Which of the following Nobel Prize winners was NOT a refugee at some point in his or her life.
A) Aung Sang Suu Kyi ; B) Henry Kissinger; C) Yasir Arafat; D) Shimon Peres
Answers after the Annual report of the UN Refugee Agency
Send your answers to @undispatch on Twitter or in the comments. I’ll post the correct responses later today. UPDATE: Posted!
Answers: There are 43.7 million refugees in the world. Pakistan hosts 1.9 million refugees, mostly from Afghanistan. And, indeed, Afghanistan is the largest refugee producing country in the world, followed by Iraq and Somalia. Colombia has the most number of IDPs, at around 3 million. Finally, Ang Sang Suu Kyi was never a refugee–in fact, she refused to flee Burma fearing that the Junta would never let her back in.