Tomorrow, the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly opens and President George W. Bush will address the assembly for the last time. Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin are expected to be on hand to meet with world leaders. Their visit is a high-profile opportunity to highlight the importance of a strong U.S.-UN relationship in the years ahead.
The Better World Campaign and its sister organization, the United Nations Foundation (which sponsor UN Dispatch) are working together on an ad for Tuesday’s New York Times. This ad outlines specific steps the next Administration can take to strengthen the U.S. relationship with the UN (the are also sending the memo to Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden).
With all eyes on New York next week during the General Assembly, this is a unique opportunity to help encourage a renewed U.S. leadership role at the UN and to foster international cooperation in support of a better, safer world.
International cooperation through the United Nations is needed now more than ever to combat global climate change, promote peace and reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and ease poverty and disease around the world. Working together is not only necessary to overcome the world’s challenges, it also ensures that no nation has to bear all the risks, burdens, or costs of achieving a safer, more prosperous world.
Here is how you can help.